Executive Council


AKASHA Learning Companionship Association  of Malaysia

President’s Exhortation

The sixth President: Isabelle FAM

The sixth President: Isabelle FAM

Message from the New President

Shoulder the Great Responsibility of Reforming the Spirit of Society

I thank you all for trusting me to take over the post of the new president. I am Isabelle FAM and I have known AKASHA since 2008. AKASHA is a community composed of people voluntarily. The main idea is “change starts with oneself” and “inspires life with life”. I was one of the beneficiaries who experienced this concept firsthand. Because of my mother’s participation in AKASHA’s activities during her lifetime, I started to participate in activities hosted by AKASHA, gradually participated in the inner-growth companionship programme, and then received the life teacher assistant training, and then finally I joined the AKASHA council. Therefore, it means a lot to me to take over the responsibility of the presidency this year.

AKASHA has grown from one person to a group in the past decades, mainly promoting local people to assist local people, and providing community life education courses and life caring services. Teacher Nandor LIM, who is also our CEO, has trained two badged life assistant teachers to prepare for life care services in various communities.

AKASHA did not stop its life caring work under the Covid-19 epidemic. In addition to converting offline courses to online, it also added a number of online activities such as life-caring nights and live lectures. During the epidemic, he accompanied many lives in trouble. Now that the epidemic is slowing down, we are gradually resuming offline physical classes and activities.

We will also resume the Learning Community International Life Work Conference which was planned two years ago to interact with foreign life work teams. After two years of training, the life teacher assistants began to lead the inner growth companionship programme in various regions. We hope that through AKASHA’s systematic learning, we can cultivate more learning adults and become part of social solutions. AKASHA will also continue to strengthen the existing volunteer team so that more volunteers can devote themselves to serving the community.

I would like to especially thank former President Mr. KS LEE for leading AKASHA through the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic in the past two years. I would also like to thank my mother for leading me to know AKASHA during her lifetime.

Current & Previous Council Members







2012-2014 Member of the 1st Board of Executive Council & CEO

CEO Nandor LIM, Committee PUA Lay Eng, Committee Karen SEE, Committee Daniel KEK
Hon. Treasurer Weny YU, Vice President NG Chin Hock, President NS LOH, Hon. Secretary Jazz KHOR, Committee LIM Kai Leng

AKASHA Learning Companionship Association of Malaysia
2011-2012 Initial EXCO & 1st CEO of Learning Companionship

Committee TEH Chin How, Committee PUA Lay Eng, Committee LIM Kai Leng, Committee Karen SEE, Committee Benjamin ANG
Hon. Treasurer Weny YU, CEO Nandor LIM, President NS LOH, Vice President NG Chin Hock, Hon. Secretary PN HOE