Youth Project for Change


A Brand New Youth Educational Project . About to Launch This Year 2023

Forecast: The Association will launch a new youth educational project in December 2023. The details of the activities will be released on an appropriate date in the coming days. Please pay attention to the official announcement.


Look Back our SEED Programme

The 1st to the 20th Seed Initiatives Youth Programme

( 2001 – 2022 )



我們相信社會要能變好,其實需要每個人共同努力來付出的。如果每個人都能承擔起一份責任,貢獻一份力量,那麼凝聚起來,就是一股沛然龐大的改變動力。而這股改變力量的動力來源,就是人類願意自己的生活、自我檢視和激勵,從自己的改變做起。因此,「種籽工程」在2001年初即醞釀發起,鼓勵社會不同階層的不自私生命將意願化為行動,讓社會出現改革的契機,並且持續下去,使人人都能以愛心代替仇恨,以關懷負責取代自私埋怨、以行動代替批評,如此新的個人生活品質就能促發周圍環境走向良性的循環。We believe that in order for society to change for the better, everyone needs to work together to contribute. If everyone can take up a responsibility and contribute a part, then they will be a huge driving force for change. And the power source of this changing power is that human beings are willing to live their own lives, self-examine and inspire, and start from their own changes. Therefore, the “Seed Project” was conceived and launched in early 2001 to encourage unselfish beings of different social strata to turn their wishes into actions, so that there will be opportunities for social reform, and it will continue, so that everyone can replace hatred with love, so that Caring is responsible to replace selfish complaints and actions to replace criticism, so that the new quality of personal life can promote a virtuous circle in the surrounding environment.


學習的路途是漫長且遙遠的,經由練習人人皆可從自然階進步到心靈階。「種籽工程」秉持著人之本善,人皆有其光明面的道理,鼓勵所有參 者學習聆聽內在良知,同時發現自己的內在良能,將能力奉獻給社會。The journey of learning is long and far away, and everyone can progress from the natural level to the spiritual level through practice. The “Seed Project” upholds the principle that people are inherently good and everyone has a bright side, and encourages all participants to learn to listen to their inner conscience, and at the same time discover their inner goodness, and contribute their abilities to the society.


每年十二月中下旬舉辦活動,屬住宿性質活動,一連九天八夜(或十天九夜),須住宿以及不得使用任電子通訊器材,內容從生活教育、生命教育、生死教育以及體驗教育著墨。The event is held in mid-to-late December every year. It is an accommodation-type event. It lasts for nine days and eight nights (or ten days and nine nights). Accommodation is required and no electronic communication equipment is allowed. The content focuses on life education, life education, life and death education, and experience education. .

更多關於種籽工程的內容,請點擊這裡。For more information about the Seed Project, please click here


 The 20th “Seed Programme” ── “Meeting @ 20” event record
December 14 – 23, 2022


Outreach fieldwork ── presentation on the field research


Outreach fieldwork ── presentation on the field research

Family Workshop and Emotional Workshop

Sharing on the daily Quiet Time Workshop


Group Sharing


Learning CPR in the Life Aid Station Workshop


Three meals a day are important homework from buying to handling


The four major skills workshops: Cultural Workshop (left) and Cooking Workshop (right)


Music Workshop (left) Outreach Workshop (right) of the Four Skills Workshops


Mr Yap Hock Hing (first from left in the left picture) was invited to host a workshop on the traits of leaders. Mr CM Ngoh (the first from the left in the right picture) was invited to host the Gender Workshop.


The 20th edition of the SEED Programme is over! The task is successfully completed.