Books: An extraordinary 17 years journey of a young inspiration


“Pei Ni Zhou Guo 17 Nian”–《陪你走過17年》

An extraordinary 17 years journey of a young inspiration

He, in the past 17 years, has had a difficult process of fighting the disease, and he is not feeling well at all.
Until he came into contact with painting and found sustenance in his heart.
He, in order to survive, was strong enough to overcome one difficulty after another.
Even though he lost part of his eyesight, he still did not give up drawing this autobiographical cartoon that records his life.
He didn’t have time to see the publication of this autobiographical comic, and he has already left this world…
To commemorate an angel who once came to this world and loves to draw comics—Chai Yuan Shen.
He has been diagnosed with heart disease by doctors since he was born.

Author: Chai Yuan Shen (蔡溒紳) Malaysia
Art Editor: qin (鄭佩沁)
Typesetting editor: Michael Chuah (蔡詩中)
Date of Publication:2019
Language: Simplify Chinese
Book Series: Psychological Inspiration
Dimensions: paperback / 224 pages / 14.7 x 20.9 x 1.2 cm / monochrome printing / first edition
Place of publication: Malaysia
National Library Classification:
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