Books: 24 Inner growth letter writing for a couple


“Wo Ai Ni Qing Ai De” –《我愛你,親愛的》

24 Inner growth letter writing for a couple

When you have traveled to eleven countries
My love will continue to turn into blessings
with you for life

I finally understand
why are you in my life
Because you are the conscience of my life

Authors:Nandor & Weny LIM 林潤崧&尤薇妮 Malaysia
Publication: JiaoZong
Date of Publication:2011/05
Language: Simplify Chinese
Book Series: The Light of the Soul
Dimensions: paperback / 260 pages / 15 x 21 x 1.4 cm / regular grade / monochrome printing / first edition
Place of publication: Malaysia
National Library Classification: Husband and wife – Correspondence/Marriage-Correspondence
Stock available, order through Whatsapp +60-16-3318763
Orders from outside Malaysia are accepted, and postage is chargeable.

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