Learning Community

In this utilitarian society, it takes a lot of courage to confront oneself and others honestly, a community that pursues sustainable management is worth paying the price for honesty.

Learning Circle

We intend to lead local organisations and call on regional communities to self-improvement to launch the "Learning Circle" and encourage everyone to join the common learning circle. We hope to start from the learning circle, gradually gather more caring people in the process of learning, expand the circle of friends with more quality, and when more people live out and produce a better quality of life, attract and develop to form a more effective life circle in order to promote the development of a benign society in this way is exactly the scaffold to support the sound development of national social education.

School Programme

Resources for life growth abound, but those who know how to use them are limited. Social education, family education, and school education must symbiosis, inherit, coexist, and share together so that it is possible to create a great education. As a part of social resources, we provide a group of mature adults who are passionate about life issues, visit the school and interact with students and teachers, so that life can inspire and touch another life. Especially young lives.

Youth Programme

Adolescence is the most shaping stage of life. During this period, personal aspects such as values, beliefs, self-identity, social skills, and career direction are formed and developed. When young people receive a good education, are socially active, and have the right guidance and support, they will become more confident, creative, and contributing adults. Therefore, it is important to provide youth with the necessary resources and support to help them develop positive values and behavior patterns and realize their potential.

Teenagers Programme

This is a youth life classroom set up by Nandor Lim in 2016 based on the situation of a young man, Chai YuanShen who was unable to go to school like others due to congenital diseases. Start with topics such as interpersonal relationships, time/emotional management, family relationships, career planning, creative thinking, teamwork, life and death education, and counseling. The target is secondary school students aged 13 to 18.

Life Teacher Assistant Programme

Learning from life is a truth, and each of us must see that it has a relationship with our own life. Everything in life is a reflection of our life. From small things to big things, we must learn to do, experience, and feel within and without. The real teacher is life. We become assistants to serve the life teacher with humbleness and mind.

Training the Volunteers Programme

A caring society gradually formed in the AKASHA learning circle, the motivation to grow life, a long-term plan to be launched of the "Youth Training" project in order to better integrate the needs of the times, the "Training the Volunteers" starts from cognitive and life science, guiding volunteer workers to truly "see" themselves, "face" themselves, "heal" themselves and "reconcile" with themselves. Everyone should learn to ask, are you part of the social problem, or part of the solution? Let your own life become a tool to produce the ultimate goal of ing life with life, influencing life with life, and touching lives with life.

Exciting Activities

The latest summary of learning community entities and online activities



  《家庭會傷人》線上班全國招生中 【2 月 24 日訊】學習是一個長的道路,有系統的學習能夠使人更快發現問題所在,並能適度面對與處理,加上擁有一群志同道合的學習者共同學習,會產生事半功倍的效果。AKASHA 設計生命成長七堂課,其目的在於提供學習者一個平台,按部就班地從基礎,一步一步進階地從家庭課題開始探索,最終讓個人與生命之間達致和解,發揮生命真義的能力。



  AKASHA 3 月份學習圈關懷之夜 【2 月 23 日訊】歡迎學習圈在學學友及家屬報名參與每月一次的關懷之夜,按時將在第二個星期五晚上 7 點半,下一場活動落在 3 月 10 日,活動全程採用 ZOOM 線上會議軟體。學習圈是 AKASHA…

自救.自我生命的救贖 @ 直播課堂

自救.自我生命的救贖 @ 直播課堂

  AKASHA 2 月份直播課堂 【2 月 22 日訊】歡迎報名參與每月一次的直播課堂,按時將在第三個星期六上午 10 點,即 2 月 25 日上午 10 點開始,在 ZOOM…

疫後陪伴──人際關係的重建 @ 線上活動

疫後陪伴──人際關係的重建 @ 線上活動

  上海.311 生命關懷之夜   【2月22日訊】由 AKASHA 戰略合作伙伴上海霞滿雲間公益發展中心發出邀請,AKASHA 學習型社群資深生命關懷工作者林潤崧與尤薇妮老師連袂主持「上海生命關懷之夜」,將於 2023 年 3 月 11 日採用騰訊會議 VooV 線上進行 300…

我不是一個人在戰鬥 @ 國際大會

我不是一個人在戰鬥 @ 國際大會

  第一屆學習型社群國際生命工作大會   【2 月 22 日訊】AKASHA 學習型社群首次擔起大旗,策劃舉辦第一屆的國際大會,大會日期訂在今年 6 月 3 日至 6 月 6日,一連四天三夜假雪蘭莪州八打靈市 ARMADA HOTEL…

Action for Learning Community

The learning community provides counseling for local organisations and regional communities to launch a “learning circle” to support the needs of national social education.

The learning community organises various weekend growth workshops on “Life Issues”, “Family Issues”, “Gender Issues”, “Couple Growth”, and “Life Education” according to the needs. It also provides speeches on topics such as “life growth”, “gender growth”, “man growth”, “parent-child growth”, “emotional management”, “helping skills”…etc.

At the same time, according to the needs of the general public, we organise growth and learning activities and courses for parents, children, teenagers, youth, adults, and seniors, which are at different stages of life.

The learning community accepts invitations from schools or various organisations to hold inner-growth programmes, workshops or symposiums, lectures, salons, etc., and also accepts invitations for strategic planning design and camp activity planning, and regular long-term and short-term implementation.

Support the learning community your way

You can seek out the four personality traits of a learning community and find corresponding ways to participate to join us.


Are you part of a social problem? Or part of the solution? You can become a supporter, participate in a series of programmes, virtual classroom activities, or join the learning circle to learn together and become the most basic participant.


You can join our volunteer recruitment activities and contribute to society spontaneously. If you believe in the concept of "grow yourself and serve the society", you are welcome to receive training to become our volunteer worker.

Change Maker

We should pay attention to what is right and what is wrong, not who is right and who is wrong. We welcome those who are interested in "change starts with oneself" to join the helping system and drive others to join the ranks. We look forward to the participation of more change leaders.


If you believe in the truth of "as I am, so is my nation", join the frontline who is interested in promoting the learning community, host the concept of life in the learning community, and lead a group of caring people to life Inspires life, life touches life, life moves life.

Play Video

Story of Change



  作者:林川子 馬六甲 罪,有誰天生想背負著罪過活?我想沒有人有這個意願。不過呢,我們生活的難題如:工作,人際關係等所遇到的挫折往往隱藏著不易被理解的罪。這罪與生命的課題離不了關係。如果沒有能力看見,生活上的問題就像輪迴一樣不斷的重演。 對抗,常會出現在我的生命裡,尤其是對權威的對抗!我其實是習慣聽話順從,容易妥協的人,但在某一方面我會對抗到底。當我覺得自己沒有理虧的情況下卻被指責或批判時會產生強烈的不想妥協,不想屈服,就想對著幹!感覺上是他人想讓我按照他們的意願行事,要我乖乖聽話,以此來限制我的自由。這時我會憤怒想吵架,想理論來捍衛自己的權利。或者,在另一個極端,我會越有理越安靜,二話不說,一拍兩散,可以放棄原有的一切,走人了事!



  作者:蔡慧燕 沙登.雪蘭莪 ★ 從我有認知以來,我就覺得我的家庭和其他人很不一樣。從小,我就很羨慕別人的家人相親相愛,有親密互動,因為我的家沒有出現過這種和諧的畫面。父母親的關係不好,倆人都在不同的城市工作,長期分居兩地。我的記憶很少有和父母同框,也沒有一家人出遊的畫面。我就在這匱乏中成長,一直很渴望愛和家庭的溫暖。 我是婆婆照顧長大的孩子。在成長的過程中,我特別想和媽媽靠近卻做不到。媽媽有賭博行為。她的一些習慣是我不滿和不能忍受的。我們相處時間很少,也沒有太多互動的機會。有一次,我們起了很大的爭執,原因是媽媽把家變成賭館,我的日常生活和學習因此受到嚴重的干擾。這是造成我們的關係決裂的導火線。那時,我就決定要遠離這個冷漠的家。捱過畢業後,我選擇在新加坡獨立生活,脫離和家庭的連結。直到多年後我因結婚返回家鄉,才有機會嘗試與媽媽重新修復關係。



  作者:李美琴 芙蓉新城.森美蘭 ★ 我的生命常常會處在一種緊張、焦慮、恐懼的情緒中,讓我一直都有想要逃離的念頭。然而,當我開始學習處理情緒,學習與恐懼面對面,同時也把迷失的自己尋回來以後,我的生命就獲得了救贖。 在還沒學習之前我常常抱怨生活、埋怨別人的不好,最後我連孩子也埋怨。直到在一次打孩子的過程中,我才發現自己真的有問題。那年,在我用藤鞭打孩子的當下,我6歲的孩子竟然抓住藤鞭阻止我。我嚇到了,發現這個感覺很熟悉,最後我停手。我看到孩子雖然害怕地哭泣,但他依然用堅定的眼神看著我。當時,我想起了自己在小時候常常看見母親打哥哥,母親很兇的樣子讓我感覺很害怕和恐懼,甚至導致我長大以後害怕很多人與事。我感覺自己根本不屬於這個家,而且我每天都在害怕幾時會輪到自己被母親打。當時,我覺得自己是個自卑和沒有價值的人。同時,我也無法將這些害怕的感覺告訴我那個安靜的父親。其實,我也曾經擋著哥哥,不讓母親打他。回憶起童年那些令我害怕的事件,我哭得崩潰也害怕,不知如何是好。最終,我選擇求救。經過朋友的介紹,我認識了尤薇妮老師。我希望改變自己的信念,我再也不想這樣不愉快的事情發生在我孩子的身上。也因此,我踏上向學習生命的路上,一直探索我過去的人生。



  作者:克里斯典.徹納 Cristian Cernat.摩爾多瓦 ★ 三月初,我和我最好的朋友安德魯在東南亞旅行,我們希望規劃一個打破常規,並找到更具意義的旅程。因此,出發前我們搜尋那些生活具有目標感的人物。 兩年前,我在摩爾多瓦和好朋友 Bhavesh PATEL 聊天時,他告訴我他在馬來西亞有一個非常好的朋友 Nandor (林潤崧),他創建了一個完整的組織來幫助人們並幫助他們找到通往和平與富足的道路。 從我們見到他的第一刻起,Nandor 就把我們當作他的家人一樣對待,就像我們認識了很久一樣。 他和 Beng(曾冠鳴)(也是他的學生)一起開車送我們回家,Nandor 則騎著機車離開,我和安德魯與…



  作者:范素音 雙溪大年.吉打 ★ 這是一個總結。這也標誌著一個章節的結束——學習愛自己。 每個結束,也是一個開始,這就像關上門、翻開一頁,我們繼續前進。我正經歷的結局不是一個結束,只是我的生活以一種新的方式重新開始,與其說是「再會」,不如說是「待會見」。 雖然此刻伊始在我不確定在生活上會發生什麼,我寄情擁抱和享受未知的發生。 正如我的老師林潤崧先生曾經在課堂上所說的那樣,我們存於彼此的生活中是有原因的,而我們也不是偶然地相遇,我在這裡寫了一篇關於〈學習愛自己〉的文章也不是偶然的。 我們的存在含有共同學習和成長的目的,我們的生活也是計劃的一部份。一段關係的存在意義在於學習、成長、分享愛、陪伴以及享受樂趣。 我看到了我們來到這個星球的目的是為了培養我們愛自己和他人的能力。 我本人是一名曾想過墮胎的倖存者,死亡並沒有攻克我的心理……這也必然有原因的。